Boston Recap (Food Edition)

So, I was originally going to do just one post that was both an Instagram Roundup from the past month or so, and a recap of my trip to Boston this weekend, but that got super long and I didn't want to bore you guys, so I decided to split it up into two separate posts: one post talking about a couple of my favorite restaurants I visited while I was there, and the other being the Instagram roundup. I was going to talk about other things that I did, but then I realized that I pretty much just window shopped and ate, and window shopping isn't all that interesting, so this post is mainly about food... 

So, jumping right in.

One of the first things I tried when I got to Boston was the fish and chips at Grafton Street Pub and Grill, this little Irish pub in Cambridge. I'm still a little timid when it comes to seafood, but I feel like fish and chips is always a pretty safe option. The fish and chips here were so good, especially with their red curry tarter sauce. 

One of my favorite meals of the trip was at Bukowski's, not necessarily for the food (because as you can see below, I didn't exactly go the gourmet route with my order...) but for the atmosphere, and for the fact that the "Hobo Special" was actually a real thing that they had on their menu.

The "Hobo Special" at Bukowski's. A hot dog and a Colt 45, served complete in a paper bag. I mean, I feel like not ordering this would have been a wasted opportunity. Also the hot dog was surprisingly good. Fyi, they do actually had real food and a pretty wide list of beers too, so you do have other options. In fact, we looked super out of place drinking our 40's out of paper bags, but it was too funny to pass up. Especially for only $7.


While I spent most of my time there in Cambridge, we did make it into the city to do some sightseeing before heading to the airport, and I'm so glad we did because it was BEAUTIFUL!

And of course, can you really leave Boston without trying a lobster roll? We stopped by James Hook and Company on the way out, and their lobster rolls were AMAZING! I have literally been craving them since I got back. 

I mean, just look at these and tell me they don't make you hungry...

Have you tried any of these places? What did you think? Also, is there anywhere I didn't go but should have? I had so much fun that I'll definitely be making a trip back in the near future, so I'd love some suggestions on other must see places!

Let me know!


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