Summer Style: Winter Edition

So it's been about a week since I've posted anything new, and the main reason for that is because I am a terrible over-packer. When I went home for the holidays, I literally packed anything and everything I might possibly want to wear. Southwest offers two free bags, which really should be more than enough for anyone on a two week trip. But I'm an idiot. When I packed to leave Nashville, I completely filled both bags (and a carry-on) not thinking about the fact that I would probably have more to bring back. But no big deal, right? I'd just have to pack a third suitcase for the flight back to Nashville and pay the fee for the additional bag. Having never flown Southwest, I had no idea that unlike most other airlines who charge $25 for a checked bag, they charge $75. Not happening. Which resulted in me having to choose a bag at the airport for my mom to ship back to me little by little. I was already worried I'd miss my flight (typical) so I just left the smallest bag and ran. Sadly, I managed to choose the bag with most of my winter basics.
Needless to say, lately I've been having to get creative, which is why today's outfit was all about trying to make summer clothes work for winter.

I guess maxi-skirts aren't technically restricted to summer, but I have never worn one with anything other than a crop top and wedges in fear of looking like I had just walked off the set of little house on the prairie. But today (since I didn't feel like wearing pants- or bothering with tights) I figured it was worth a try, and I actually love the way it turned out. 

Shirt and skirt both from Francesca's

Again, I have no idea how I made this but somehow it showed up in my pictures to choose from again. Not complaining. 

I'd love to hear your thoughts on the best ways to make summer pieces work all year round, see your favorite ways to style maxi skirts or check out your blogs! 

Thanks for reading!

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Cat lady. Wine lover. Shoe addict.

I believe a pretty dress can change your whole mood. I love combining style and affordability because fashion is something everybody should be able to enjoy! (:





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