Black in the Summer?

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If you follow my blog or Instagram regularly, you'll know that most of what I buy is pretty reasonably priced because I'm a student and I pay for most of my clothes on my own. I love being able to find bargains and I take pride in almost everything I post on my blog being pretty affordable for the average person. BUT, if you do follow me, you'll know that I also absolutely love a super good deal AND that my level of self control when it comes to shopping is pretty close to zero. So every May I fall victim to Kendra Scott

For those of you who don't know, during your birthday month Kendra Scott gives you half off of any one item. Because of this, I always find a way to justify splurging on Kendra during the month of May. I know, I could get a pair of super simple and versatile Danielle earrings for $30 or an Elisa necklace, which I've been eyeing forever because they go perfectly with EVERYTHING but haven't gotten around to buying yet for only $25, but the way I see it, your birthday month is the time for you to go big or go home. So I always make my completely frivolous and unnecessary Kendra purchases during the month of May. 

This year, my job requires me to wear a black shirt or dress. Luckily, I can pair it with just about anything so I love finding ways to accessorize my boring black and make it seem like I'm not just rotating through the same four black articles of clothing I own. 

I started this job right before Spring Break and I don't know if you've ever tried, but forcing yourself to buy black when you've got summer on your mind is basically impossible, so bright bold necklaces and earrings are my best friend. That's why I caved and used my birthday discount to buy this crazy Teal Magnesite Harlowe earlier this month. 

I know, I know, It doesn't go with much. It's definitely a statement piece, but I absolutely love the way it looks up against this black Piko dress. Even though black is usually considered more of a fall and winter color, I think that the addition of this necklace makes it workable during the summer months, too.

Do you have any tricks for making black work for warmer weather? I'd love to hear about them in the comments!

Thank you so much for reading!



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Cat lady. Wine lover. Shoe addict.

I believe a pretty dress can change your whole mood. I love combining style and affordability because fashion is something everybody should be able to enjoy! (:





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